Access Control







Master Halco provides a wide selection of the best brands of Access Control to meet the market needs across North America.

Access Control adds another level of security and a safety to any gate and fence system. From residential single family homes to gate communities, and commercial businesses to high security, there is a wide array of products available to customize the perfect solution for your needs. From swing gates to slide gates, residential to commercial to high security, we can provide the perfect solution.





Things to Consider…

For gate operators, selecting the right operator and accessories for the application is most important. Several factors play into the decision.

  • What type of gate do you have - is a swing gate (single or double drive gate) or slide gate (single or double drive gates) or a specialty need.
  • Is this for a residential property or residential development or a commercial / Industrial property
  • How often will the gate open and close in a day? Single family properties may open and close their gates only a few times in a day, therefore being “light duty”. Residential developments/communities with over 100 houses could open and close 300+ times per day - are considered “heavy duty”. Commercial businesses that have gate areas for parking or allow trucks to enter and leave, will most likely have large gates, so the gate operator should be “heavy duty” in terms of cycles and powerful enough for commercial and industrial gates and operation.
  • Is their power available within a reasonable distance that can be used for a gate opener? What if you have a 100 acre ranch that you want to add a secured gate to the furthest point? If you have plenty of sunshine, using a solar powered unit can be a good choice.
  • What about power outages? Many gate operators include or have available battery back ups. Nobody wants to get out of their vehicle in a storm when the power is out.

6000 & 6500 Swing Gate Operator

Access Control Accessories

  • For residential properties - having remotes and keypads will cover most applications. Want the gates to open automatically when you leave the property - add a loop detector that opens the gates automatically adds convenience.
  • For commercial properties with hundreds of users - using swipe access cards may be the best solution.
  • Every application is a little bit different. Trust in a professional for the right product for the right application.
  • If you are a professional, trust in Master Halco, as we offer the largest selection of manufacturers gate operators and accessories to meet your project needs.

Cellgate Watchman 410 Keypad with Camera

UL 325

All Gate operators that are sold in North America must meet the UL 325 standards for safety. When installed properly, gate openers include safety features designed to reduce risk of injury and damage.

UL 325 requires that all gate openers be rated and approved for specification or Classes, ranging from the simplest - Residential to high security and industrial applications. The gate operator is appropriate for the construction and class of the gate. All professional gate opener installers must adhere to the UL 325 standards.



Basics of UL 325 Requirements

  • The UL 325 Safety Standard requires at least two entrapment protection devices for each potential area of entrapment in each direction of travel.
  • Entrapment protection devices are installed in areas where an entrapment hazard exist. These devices include contact (electric edges) and non-contact (photo- electric) sensors. These devices are monitored by the gate operator.Should the gate operator sense a fault in these devices, or if they are not connected, the gate operator will not run.
  • Warning signs are placed in an area where they are visible from each side of the gate
  • Gate controls are installed in such a manner that a person operating the controls cannot come in contact with the gate or gate operator.
  • All rollers on guarded, and all potential pinch points are eliminated or guarded
  • All openings in slide gate systems are guarded or screened from the bottom of the gate to a minimum of 72-inches above the ground to prevent a 2.25-inch diameter sphere from passing through the openings anywhere in the gate, and in that portion of the adjacent fence that the gate covers in the open position.
  • Refer to ASTM-F2200 for more information on the construction of the gate and associated hazards

Providing Superior Materials

We are dedicated to providing quality products to professional fence contractors. With over 70 locations across the U.S. and Canada, we have knowledgeable and helpful associates to help your business thrive.